I actually really like the layout. I’m envious of your ability to put these together. I’ve been thinking along time about doing a graphic novel of some sort and I am so intimidated by even starting. I am trying to find comics/graphic novels to help guide me but mainly I think of manga or anime with manga based scenes. I am really enjoying your comic drawings 🙂 Keep em coming!
It has always been a back burner kind of thought for me also. It would be nice to actually put something coherent together. I have such a weird sense of humor though, which concerns me. Heh. I like seeing your graphic novel/comic posts on pinterest also. Also inspiring. 😀
I actually really like the layout. I’m envious of your ability to put these together. I’ve been thinking along time about doing a graphic novel of some sort and I am so intimidated by even starting. I am trying to find comics/graphic novels to help guide me but mainly I think of manga or anime with manga based scenes. I am really enjoying your comic drawings 🙂 Keep em coming!
It has always been a back burner kind of thought for me also. It would be nice to actually put something coherent together. I have such a weird sense of humor though, which concerns me. Heh. I like seeing your graphic novel/comic posts on pinterest also. Also inspiring. 😀