I haven't seen the new Power Rangers movie yet. I feel like the reviews have been mixed. People who watched the old series generally liked it, but critics seem to hate it. I'm sort of the latter, but ...
Fanart Friday: Rita Repulsa from Power Rangers (OG)

You do know Inktober, don't you? Jake Parker started this drawing initiative that takes place in October. Basically, you make an ink drawing every day of the month. He has prompts, other people make ...
My Inktober 2016 Favorites

It's the...
Eyes of the Beholder
it's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with ...
D&D Monster Art: Beholder

I updated my Youtube with this Bulma drawing! I was pretty excited to get a Cintiq, so I tried it out with some Dragon Ball/DBZ fanart. This version of Bulma is from Dragon Ball, because I think she ...
Fanart Friday: Bulma from Dragon Ball

Stranger Things. It's pretty good, eh? I enjoyed it. I even started a second watch-through, even though I just binged it maybe two months ago. That's okay. I don't mind.
Do you ever draw something ...
Fanart Friday: Stranger Things (Eleven)

Squeak is special to me. She's my first real D&D character. She's a bit of a goody-goody. I've realized that she's actually a nicer person than I am. That's probably not a good thing. I wasn't ...
D&D Character Art: Squeak, the Gnome Cleric

I doodled a derpy Sailor Moon in an old sketchbook and had been wanting to do a slightly better version of it. It's still derpy though. ...
Fanart Friday: Derpy Sailor Moon Marker Drawing

I had no idea that I would ever:
1. watch a show of people playing Dungeons & Dragons or
2. Start playing it as a result.
But, man, Critical Role is a great show. It made me realize that ...
Critical Role Fanart: Keyleth

Have you been watching Daredevil on Nextflix? It's amazing. I was hesitant to watch it because of how bad the movie was (I'm looking at you, Ben Affleck). I was looking for something interesting to ...
Fanart Friday: The Punisher

A byproduct of binge watching Sailor moon is ultimately drawing fanart from it. Usagi plants herself in your brain, and you think about her transformations and her love for Mamoru and little chibi ...
Fanart Friday: Sailor Moon Marker Drawing

Grimmie has been my online identity for probably the last 10 years, when I first started playing Final Fantasy XI. I originally made an Elvaan, but succumbed to the allure of the Tarutaru and made a ...
Fanart Friday: FFXI Tarutaru Black Mage

Another old drawing that I didn't get around to coloring until several years later. I didn't let this one sit around for months/years and I think I like it a lot better.
Prishe from FFXI. ...
FFXI Prishe Art Nouveau Digital Painting

I'm at the point where I am tired of looking at this. I'm not exactly happy with it, but I want it out of my life. Get out of my life, Zelda! I'm done with you!
If it is not obvious, I was ...
Princess Zelda Art Nouveau Digital Painting

When I had a job, I found myself doodling in meetings. I gathered the sketches I found from this time period and compiled them into one image. My thoughts at the moment are always obvious.
It's ...
The Over-sized Composite Image of Work Doodles

Just messing around with Illustrator. I was thinking about The Crow a few nights ago and thought I would toss a little reference in.
And if you aren't a fan of the movie, or are unfamiliar with it ...
Wallpaper: It Can’t Rain All the Time

While browsing around the web a few days ago, I came across Jirka Vinse Jonatan's "Real Life" Disney Girls. I've seen these illustrations before, but on whatever website I had come across that was ...
Brave Sketch: Merida Drawing

I try to practice a variety or styles and techniques. My sketchbook is stylistically inconsistent, but I like to test my abilities and see what I can do.
I also tend to draw whatever ...